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Perhaps you are dissatisfied with your sexual orientation and would like to be straight. Or, perhaps you are straight now but feel urges to try homosexual activity. Or, perhaps you are perfectly happy the way you are, but want to see what this is all about.
Consider these facts:
1. God loves [agape] you, and I love [philos] you, too.
You've probably heard Bible-bangers use this phrase and you've said, "Yeah, right!" in a sarcastic frame of mind. However, the English word "love" is not adequate to describe the emotions which are involved when love is used. In the Greek which was spoken in Bible times, there are three main words to express the concept of "love": agape, philos, and eros. Let's look at them one at a time.
Agape [uh-GAH-pay].
This is God's love for us and our love for God.
Philos [FEE-loss].
This is fellowship love we have for our friends.
Eros [AIR-oss].
This is sexual love.
2. God is our manufacturer, and has provided a user manual we call the Holy Bible.
[See the Disclaimer,
Prologue, and
Epilogue for more information.]
Any responsible manufacturer knows the operating parameters of his/her product. Therefore, he/she outlines the guidelines for use and maintenance which are necessary for proper, trouble-free operation.
3. Failure to operate a mechanism according to the specifications in the user manual will cause problems.
Sometimes these problems will develop over a long time. Never adding or changing the oil in your new car is an example. You may be able to drive tens of thousands of miles before the engine will stop.
Sometimes, these problems will occur in a shorter time. If you never put gas in your new car, it will go about 300 miles before stopping.
And sometimes, failure to observe the manufacturer's specifications will cause your new car to stop instantly. Throwing your car into reverse at 65 mph will tear out the transmission, or lock up the wheels, or throw you into a skid which results in a major crash. Or, all of the above.
Failure to add gas and change oil -- or putting your transmission into reverse -- aren't wrong because the user manual says they're wrong. On the contrary, the user manual says they're wrong because they are wrong. What gives the manufacturer the authority to decide for customers at large what is right and wrong? The answer is obvious.
All thinking people know the
Bible forbids homosexual relationships. Just for the sake of the discussion, click the link and read it for yourself. Although God forbids homosexual relationships and activities, He fully endorses sex between married persons.
Consider these concepts:
God didn't manufacture you in direct violation of His own user manual.
You were not born a homosexual. You became one after birth.
Satan has used his demons to contaminate your normal, God-given sexual desires.
From ancient times, demons have had an intense interest in all illicit sexual behavior. Most idolatrous and pagan forms of worship involve illicit sexual activity, including the classic temple prostitutes. [I am defining "illicit" as any sexual activity which is outside the bounds and bonds of marriage.] Demons have no sexual preference as long as it is illicit: rape, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, incest, child molestation, group sex, bestiality, obscenity -- they love it all. It's hard to tell what is cause and what is effect. Where illicit sex is already practiced, they flock to that site as observers and catalysts. Where it is not happening, they attempt to infest those vulnerable to evil supernatural powers with lust.
You became homosexual . . .
. . . when one or more of Satan's demons, probably using the time-sharing technique described in Part 1-B, detected your susceptibility to demonic influence. This susceptibility could have been brought on by any one, or a combination of the causes described in Part 2-A of this booklet. Perhaps you were drawn into homosexual activity by a same-sex friend who was also troubled by a time-sharing demon.
That's enough talk about the problem. There is a solution.
It's outlined in Part 3 of this booklet. This solution is not based on the teachings of a particular church, denomination, or sect. It's simply based on what the Bible teaches on the power of good and evil. According to the Bible's Plan of Salvation, God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the holy angels want to have you with them in Heaven for eternity. But Satan and his demons want to damn your soul to Hell with them forever.
This conflict between holy power and evil power produces spiritual warfare. You and I, -- all humans -- are in the crossfire.
The solution: enlist Holy power to overcome the evil power as described in Part 3.
My prayer is that you will seriously consider this solution before you zap to another part of cyperspace.
At least make a bookmark and come back when you want to think about this some more:
May God bless you.
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Home Page
How to Get More Information
Table of Contents
Part 1-A: Defined and Explained
Part 1-B: Defined and Explained -- Continued
Part 2-A: Causes and Effects
Part 2-B: Causes and Effects -- Continued
Part 3: The Solution to Demon Possession
Appendix A: Glossary of Terms in Demon Handbook
Appendix B: Glossary of Evangelical Terms in General
Appendix C: Ted Bundy's Execution-Eve Interview
Appendix D: Summary of Bible Reference Links
Links to Other Christian Resources